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About the Chapter

The University of West Indies Alumni Association Florida Chapter (UWIAAFL Chapter), formerly the UWI Guild of Graduates, Florida Chapter, was formed in 1995 by a group of alumni brought together by their desire to stay connected to their alma mater, to contribute to the development of the University of the West Indies, and to help build communities through volunteer efforts and philanthropy.

Under the dynamic leadership of Ronald White, the chapter was founded with the idea of bringing together the graduates in Florida. Past presidents of the chapter include Ronald White, Anthony Williams, Dr. Rupert Rhodd, Margaret Barrett, Dr. Carmen Nicholas, Dr. Cheralee Morgan, and Diana Turnbull. The current president is Diana Turnbull.


The UWIAAFL maintains a relationship with other UWI alumni chapters and participates in the central executive committee of the university.​

The 2025 - 2026 Executive Board

Members of the Executive Board are the stewards of our organization and collectively represent the interests and views of all members. They are responsible for creating a shared vision, providing leadership and policy direction, ensuring the health of the organization and creating an overall sense of purpose.

The January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2024 Executive Board Members are listed below.

  • Cheralee Morgan             (President) 

  • Kendra Merchant             (1st Vice-President)

  • Cheralee Morgan             (2nd Vice-President)

  • Rupert Rhodd                    (Treasurer)

  • Enid Jones                           (Secretary)    

  • Peter Smith                         (Public Relations)                     



Introduction to the Chapter

The Florida Chapter of the University of the West Indies Alumni Association (UWIAA Florida), an alumni association that is dedicated to:

  • The advancement of the University of the West Indies (UWI) as a center for excellence;

  • The building of communities in Florida and the Caribbean.

Goals of the Chapter

  • Creating and maintaining a good relationship between UWIAA Florida and the University of the West Indies;

  • Supporting and contributing to the UWI Development Fund and other special projects of the UWI as shall be agreed on by the membership;

  • Promoting the professional development of members of UWIAA Florida;

  • Promoting and supporting networking opportunities of its members;

  • Actively participating in social and economic development initiatives in Florida and the Caribbean.


We encourage all graduates of the University of the West Indies in Florida to join a vibrant and community-oriented group of professionals that are helping to improve the lives of Caribbean people and Floridians. Remember that UWIAA Florida wants to:

  • Unite all South Florida alumni with their university friends, colleagues, and professors.

  • Work on promoting your career and business by allowing you to network with other alumni.

  • Involve yourself with your alma mater by staying up-to-date with news and event.

The Importance of Membership

​We are proud graduates of the University of the West Indies (UWI) and we are certain that the University of the West Indies is also proud of us. Through our education at UWI, we have multiple options to be productive members of the society. One of the best ways to show school pride is to become members of the UWIAA Florida.


Here are some other reasons to join the UWI Alumni Association:

  • Develop connections and ‘rub shoulders” with other graduates. This is a great way to mingle, expand professional connections, and meet new people;

  • Give back to UWI – There are many ways to give back to UWI and through the association, there are mechanism to simplify the process;

  • Help other students - through scholarships, annual giving or various other ways.

You can also help your alma mater by paying the membership fee/donation of $30 on our website. You can do so by using the "DONATE" button below. Please send a picture like the one shown below as well as your name and the faculty from which you graduated to the treasurer at

The Alumni Pledge

As a graduate of The University of the West Indies,

I commit myself to uphold the ideals and goals of my alma mater.

My conduct and voice shall reflect the commitment to excellence of the "Light Rising From the West",

As I fulfill my social and professional responsibilities and serve my community and region.

I will strive to ensure the UWI's place as a Caribbean icon: the catalyst for Caribbean development and leadership.

It is a legacy that I will proudly help build for future generations.

The UWI - First in our hearts and first in our region!​​​​​​​​​​​


Useful Links

  • ​Links to UWI Campuses ​

  1. Cave Hill

  2. Mona

  3. St. Augustine

  4. Open Campus

  5. Five Islands 

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